Are you a yo-yo dieter? Many people start a diet and it is a short lived journey. Many medical professionals believe that this practice is actually worse than if you didn’t diet at all. One of the reasons so many people fail is because they don’t have the tools they need to be successful. You need support more than anything. Another problem is that so many people try to follow a diet that has foods they don’t like. Additionally, it is a fallacy that one diet will help all people. We are each unique individuals, so why shouldn’t our weight loss methods be catered to our specific needs?
Our medical weight loss solutions are built for the individual. They are managed by physicians and weight loss specialists. We understand that you want to be successful, and it is our job to ensure you are on the right path to make that happen.
Surgery Isn’t Always the Answer
Many patients consider weight loss or bariatric surgery. While a lot of patients have been helped by these approaches, it is important to remember that there is no one quick fix to weight loss. Even having surgery won’t take away the cravings and it won’t take away the hunger issues. Most doctors require that a patient goes through a weight loss program before they will perform a surgical procedure. This is especially true of those who are seriously overweight. The heavier a person is, the harder it is to operate and the more dangerous it is to put them under anesthesia. We want to show you that you can get the weight off without having risky surgeries with our medical weight loss solutions.*
We Surround You With Support
Medical weight loss solutions are the answer for those who have carried weight for many years and are tired of fighting the battle of the bulge. Our program includes one-on-one visits with a well-qualified nutrition specialist. They will track your weight and overall body composition and make sure you are on target with your progress. You will learn about what is good to eat and what isn’t so good for you. So many people think that some things are healthy for them when in actuality, they have hidden sugars and other fats. We want to unlock a healthy lifestyle for you that you can utilize on this journey. Remember, it is a journey because you never really arrive. Though you may hit your target weight, you will have to maintain that for life.
The Medical Weight Loss Process
The process starts with a medical examination. This exam is comprehensive and will record your current state of being. The physician will ask very detailed questions to review your health history. They want to know about your blood pressure, and will do tests to make sure you are heart healthy. A diet plan will be drafted just for you. It will be based on your medical and individual needs. We will have regular consultations with you to help you maintain your healthy eating plan. You will also get personalized weight loss support with our medical weight loss solutions. We will address your concerns and talk about the challenges. We want to give you the tools to be successful, including emotional support. We can track your progress and rejoice with you when you hit a milestone toward good health.
Teaching You About Your Body
What so many don’t realize is that weight loss and management is as much about the science of it as it is self-control. It’s about learning which foods are better for your body and learning what your body needs to thrive at optimal levels. We have many hand-selected weight loss products that will enhance your journey. They can help you feel full and satisfied while providing you with the extra nutritional boosts that you need. Our product line is FDA approved and will help you fight off hunger and keep you from being hungry. Following a weight loss plan with these tools makes it easier.
Our medical weight loss solutions are designed to help you improve your health. You have nothing to wait for. If you are tired of carrying around the extra pounds, it’s time to do something about it. Our solutions aren’t one diet plan supposed to fit the needs of all the people. We design a plan that is made just for you and your body. To find out about your options, call us today for an appointment.