7 Secrets of Fit People
If you have ever looked at a healthy and fit person and wondered how you can be like them, you are not alone. Many individuals are jealous of their fit friends and co-workers, and wonder about the secret or quick fix that will help them maintain the same results. Here are seven secrets of fit people:
1. They have consistent habits. Fit people recognize that there is not one single thing that needs to be done to be healthy and at an acceptable weight. Instead, they engage in many healthy habits that contribute to a healthy weight and level of fitness. Anyone can achieve this by starting small—make one thing a habit, and then the rest, until it all falls into place.
2. They eat balanced meals. Eating right isn’t complicated, but it does involve a lot of things. You should start the day with a smart breakfast in order to give you energy and keep you full for longer. You should also avoid skipping meals, which can make you hungry and contribute to the consumption of high calorie foods later in the day when you are starving and can’t concentrate. Eating balanced also involves avoiding restaurant meals when possible, which are consistently high in calories.
3. They keep track of what they eat. This can be done by writing the foods down or using a tracking app on a computer or smartphone. Either way, fit people are aware of what they are putting into their body, but also make sure it is manageable. The best healthy eating plan is one that you can stick to.
4. They don’t drink their calories. Coffee creamers, fruit juices, sodas, and energy drinks all contain a lot of sugar and excess calories. Avoid this pitfall by keeping a water bottle with you at all times. You can add things like lemon, lime, berries, and cucumber to the water to change the flavor without increasing the calorie count.
5. They do exercise that they enjoy. You are less likely to stick to exercise if it is hard for you to do, or if it feels like a chore. Find an exercise or physical activity that you can get excited about, like kayaking or bike riding. Invest in nice shoes or equipment and then create short term goals that motivate you.
6. They surround themselves with fit influences. This can include finding a partner to exercise with or even just following fitness oriented people on social media. Following healthy blogs and subscribing to health oriented magazines can also keep the fit mindset at the forefront.
7. They get a lot of sleep. Your muscles recover when you sleep, so it’s definitely necessary for a fit person. There is also a link between sleep and decreased incidences of obesity. The exact reason for this link is unknown, but you should take advantage of it by aiming for a full night’s sleep (at least seven hours) every night.